Customer Testimonials

"Muncie Aviation has used STRONG Aero for our DER needs for many years now. They've always been very helpful and timely with our projects. The cost and service are excellent and the product always works exactly as we asked. If we require a modification, they're ready to take care of the change or offer suggestions to resolve any issues. We strongly recommend STRONG Aero Engineering for all your DER Projects." – Scott D. Picha, Muncie Aviation Company

"STRONG Aero provides an excellent service which makes our job a lot easier. Top notch service and fast turn-around time. Highly recommended!" – Jim McMichael, Chief Inspector at Trimec Aviation Inc

"I met Trevor at the 2004 AEA convention in Orlando. He said that getting DER approval is not as hard as you think. So I called around; some quoted me prices in the thousands of dollars and said it wouldn't be done for a couple of weeks! I tried STRONG Aero Engineering and the next day I had the engineering drawing in my hand and acceptable paperwork for my principal FAA inspector. (And it cost me half what others had quoted!) It's so nice to know that I can quote a job on a pressurized aircraft and not have to worry about losing the job on account of engineering costs or turnaround." – Kirk Fryar of Sarasota Avionics

"It has been a pleasure working with STRONG Aero Engineering for the last couple of years. Your quick response to my needs, even on work which is over and above that listed on your website, has made my job much easier. Thanks again!" – Terry Clair of Leading Edge Aviation

"Our experience with STRONG Aero Engineering has always been pleasant whether by phone or online. Orders have always been satisfied quickly, as well as queries on engineering projects. We really appreciate being able to use your website to lookup projects we have done in the past. I personally like having your calendar for my office. Thanks!" – Greg York, President of Pippen-York Inc.

"Thank you for your excellent effort. Your work is outstanding." – M. Landes, Radiorax Aviation Systems

"STRONG Aero Engineering; always on time and on budget. No surprises or extra charges." – M. Chiang of Penta Aviation

"Your system is running at peak performance. Great job! I am impressed." – R. Gallop, General Dynamics

"We have found STRONG Aero's designs simple and effective, not the typical 'mouse designed to government specs'. I recommend their services." – Chris Taff, Calvin Taff Electronics Inc